Why I Bye, Felicia’d Our Quarantine Schedule

Is Santa still coming? My eight year old asked quietly as we walked back from the swing set. Our family was outside when the governor announced Ohio’s mandatory shut down. My husband and I read the breaking news on our phones. We didn’t say much out loud, but what our kids saw on our faces…

The Wishing Tree That Grew Three Hearts Big

I watched them circle each picture with a bright red marker–legos, nerf guns, a sparkly new purse. Apparently they wanted everything. And they needed none of it.   Christmas. As a mother it means so many things. Family, togetherness, overeating. Shopping online and in line and praying your kids don’t change their minds after it’s…

As You Leave Me For Kindergarten

Maybe it’s because you draw me rainbows when I’m sad. Or use your entire body to stir the banana bread batter. It’s probably because you put veggies in the shopping cart and ask for hugs and brush my hair. You’re also the only kid that lets me play my own music in the car. And…

Dear Third Baby, You Gave Me Life

He made me put three different superhero outfits on the stuffed dog before deciding on ‘Spider Pup.’ Plus, a carrier, one bowl of dog food, a six piece vet kit ‘so I can give him check up,’ and the $2 cookie at the register. Stuff I NEVER would have allowed my first two children to…

Hacks to Keep Cupid & Classmates Happy

It’s almost time. To tap into the depth of your soul. To unleash unconditional love from that happy heart of yours. To elbow your way through 800 other parents shopping the isles of Target. ‘Sponge Bob or Mickey Mouse?! Just pick one already!!!’ Valentine’s Day is just a quick shot of that fat angel’s arrow…

“No” Is A Full Sentence

It just happened. There was no additional, “sorry” or a list of reasons why I couldn’t or wouldn’t do what the person had asked. I simply replied with a word that up until now has been difficult for me to say without overanalyzing how it would make the other person feel. But my response just…

You Are What You Eat

I watched my six-year-old climb onto the stage without hesitation. We were getting ready to watch a pumpkin pie-eating contest at the Centerville Fall Festival when the emcee asked if there were any other boys under the age of 15 who wanted to participate. Most of the other competitors were twice my son’s size and…

Keep the Killer Clowns at Bay

“Mom, have you seen the movie It?” My first grader asked innocently on the way home from school. “Yes sweet pea, why did you ask me that?” “Gio has seen it. He told me about it during center time.” As I dismissed his inquiry he chirped on in the back seat about the boy’s yellow…

I Am My Children’s First Impression

“So who takes care of all this?” It’s a question I get every time someone visits our home. The big house, 30 plus acres, farm animals, pond and three energetic kids tend to overwhelm people as they watch the sights and smells unfold in real time. “We do.” I answer. A little insulted that people…

Be the Good My Little First Grader

‘Do they have cameras to keep the bad guys out?’ It was a question I did not anticipate from my 6-year-old son. We were throwing the football as the sun set the last Saturday of summer. I had asked him if he was nervous about starting first grade at a new school on Monday. The…

Just Wear the Goshdarn Bikini

We just returned from a seven-day trip to Florida. And by “we” I mean myself, my six and four year old, and my youngest who is almost two. My husband was there for the first few days before returning for a work trip, but this post isn’t about him. Because when it comes to pool…

Why Early Kindergarten Is Not For Us

“Because…really…what’s the rush?” It’s a canned response I’ve dished out lately when parents have asked about testing my four-year-old daughter for early admittance into kindergarten. Willa bakes cakes, packs her own lunch for preschool, and has been picking out ensembles and dressing herself since she was three. She’ll be five in October, which means she…